The Sun In Its Power
Don Miller | 10 May 2020
God has designed our lives so we would experience “the surpassing greatness of His power toward those who believe.” –Ephesians 1:19. This is staggeringly wonderful. It ties deeply into the reality that God can do exceedingly more than we think.
The sun is 860,000 miles across. A million earths could fit inside it. Its temperature soars to 27 million degrees. It converts four million tons of matter into energy each second releasing its power at a near constant rate like a slow burning log in a fireplace. This carefully designed nuclear inferno gives remarkable beauty in every beautiful day.
God’s heater lets you and I head outside on a crisp morning in May with just a T-shirt. We can watch the sun rise in its power while we sip warm coffee from beans He created and listen to divinely-constructed melodies coming from His birds which He also so thoughtfully gave us. Can you imagine life without birds, mornings without coffee, or the earth without light and warmth?
God is light-years beyond our finest ideas of Him. He knew exactly how to build our sun so one solar burst wouldn’t destroy all life on our little speck of a home. In His wisdom, He gave us a sun with stunning beauty and the ability to give us the colors we see. It also emanates just the right amount of heat and gravity so our earth-home stays toasty and in place and doesn’t get slung into the depths of space like a rock from a slingshot.
Our Sun-Making God desires that we would always have the joy of waiting on Him. He is able to do the unthinkable and bring us His unexpected surprises and ingenious devices. Let these words become your heart’s resting place, “ONLY GOD”. Live in reliance upon the wisdom, power and beauty of God, knowing that He will certainly show up in perfect ways.
By seeking that abiding place with Him, His doings in your life will become a grace-giving testimony of “ONLY GOD–only God could pull off what He did in my life–and He can do the same for you.” As you experience the manifestations of His sun-creating power, beloved others will also grow in their dependence in the God who formed light because of what He has done for you. And they also will receive His unique and tailor-made wonders which come when that trust thrives.
“..that all may know, from the rising of the sun to the setting, that there is none but Me; I am the Lord, and there is no other, the One forming light and creating darkness, … I am the Lord who does all these things.” Isaiah 45:6,7.
©Don Miller, CWS, 2020. Image: “AIA 304. 2011-04-06 14:51;56.” Helioviewer.org. The Helioviewer Project. Accessed May 11, 2020.